On Tuesday, 9 July 2013 15:46:31 UTC-4, Boris Zbarsky  wrote:
> On 7/9/13 3:14 PM, Taras Glek wrote:
> > Conversely, poor code review practices hold us back.
> Agreed.  At the same time, poor patch practices make reviews _much_ 
> harder.  We should generally expect good patch practices from 
> established contributors; obviously expecting them from new contributors 
> is not reasonable.

Why not?  If there is a list of good patch practices, there is no reason we 
can't ask people to complete a checklist and comment on it. It would probably 
also let us train more reviewers, but letting them know what to start with 

> I believe that getting fast review turnaround is a collaboration between 
> the reviewer and review requester; it shouldn't be solely on the 
> reviewer to do a fast review no matter how hard the requester makes it. 

+1. "It's so easy to review your code" should be one of the highest praises for 
a developer (code quality being equal).

- Milan
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