Browsers are a competitive field. We need to move faster. Eliminating
review lag is an obvious step in the right direction.
I believe good code review is essential for shipping a good browser.
Conversely, poor code review practices hold us back. I am really
frustrated with how many excellent developers are held back by poor
review practices. IMHO the single worst practice is not communicating
with patch author as to when the patch will get reviewed.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that we do best at reviews where the patch
in question lines up with reviewer's current project The worst thing
that happens there is rubber-stamping (eg reviewing non-trivial 60KB+
patches in 30min).
Anecdotally, latency correlates inversely with how close the reviewer is
to patch author, eg:
project > same team > same part of organization > org-wide > random
community member
I think we need change a couple things*:
a) Realize that reviewing code is more valuable than writing code as it
results in higher overall project activity. If you find you can't write
code anymore due to prioritizing reviews over coding, grow more reviewers.
b) Communicate better. If you are an active contributor, you should not
leave r? patches sitting in your queue without feedback. "I will review
this next week because I'm (busy reviewing ___ this week|away at
conference). I think bugzilla could use some improvements there. If you
think a patch is lower priority than your other work communicate that.
c) If you think saying nothing is better than admitting than you wont
get to the patch for a while**, that's passive aggressiveness
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passive-aggressive_behavior). This is not
a good way to build a happy coding community. Managers, look for
instances of this on your team.
In my experience the main cause of review stop-energy is lack of will to
inconvenience own projects by switching gears to go through another
person's work.
I've seen too many amazing, productive people get discouraged by poor
review throughput. Most of these people would rather not create even
more tension by complaining about this...that's what managers are for :)
Does anyone disagree with my 3 points above? Can we make some derivative
of these rules into a formal policy(some sort of code of developer conduct)?
* There obvious exceptions to above guidelines (eg deadlines).
** Holding back bad code is a feature, not a bug, do it politely.
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