> That's just the load in terms of # of pushes. Load in terms of % time spent
> on the various branches is pretty different. For the past 30 days, here's
> the breakdown of time of builds and tests spent on the top 4 branches:
> 39.93% mozilla-inbound
> 31.00% try
> 6.91% mozilla-central
> 6.22% mozilla-aurora
> Actual machine load from try is disproportionally lower than its share of
> pushes would indicate. I would guess this is due to not running the full set
> of builds/tests via try syntax, or from cancelling jobs early. It's also
> interesting because jobs on try never coalesce, whereas this happens quite a
> bit on mozilla-inbound.

Thank you so much for data.

Boxes which run performance tests are separate from boxes which run
unit tests, right?  If so, I'd be interested to know what the
breakdown is ignoring Talos, since that's not usually on the critical
path for m-i or try, and since that would presumably skew the load
measured above towards m-i.
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