> > 3. For v1, we probably need to still stick to the original plan for
> > the UA that does include Android in the UA, even though that's
> > sub-optimal to receive Android specific content. We should move to
> > the optimal UA in long-term though without the platform identifier.
> Do we really think we will be able to make this shift post-v1? Surely
> shipping Firefox OS v1 with an Android-containing UA will simply
> embed
> the problem, as lots of sites will assume that the Firefox OS UA
> contains the word "Android"?

I would prefer to look at the specific problems introduced with the OS agnostic 
UA (drop the "Android" token) and, if a small subset need a workaround, use the 
whitelist mechanism to solve this for v1.

Note that the "Android" token is not a silver bullet to fix the mobile Web 
compatibility problem. This is simply one mitigation strategy for obtaining 
mobile content - and, as we've seen on Firefox for Android, the Firefox for 
Android UA still falls very short of the mobile Web content served to the 
Android stock browser and iPhone.

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