Ok I have tried this, but the problem is that hte symbols doesn't get
resolved, ( and they used to ).

 if I do a :

 find /usr/. -exec grep -l XCBGCForeground '{}' ';'

 Nothing is found ...

 SO either the names of the symbols are changed or I am missing some
headers/definitions or including the wrong files, xcb.h used to do it

 / regards, Lars Segerlund

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michel Dänzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2008-jan-31 10:47
Subject: Re: Problems building xcb programs ...
To: Lars Segerlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please follow up to the list instead of just to me directly, thanks.

On Thu, 2008-01-31 at 10:41 +0100, Lars Segerlund wrote:
> I am trying to compile a VERY simple xcb program ... basicly a test
> program which opens a window and draws in it.
>  gcc -o prog proc.c -lXCB
>  used to be enough to compile it, now it can't find any symbols (
> normally from xcb.h ) that are used by xcb.
>  So I am missing something ...

For one, 'pkg-config --libs xcb' gives


here with libxcb1-dev 1.1-1...

Earthling Michel Dänzer           |          http://tungstengraphics.com
Libre software enthusiast         |          Debian, X and DRI developer

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