On Thu, 2008-01-31 at 08:40 +0100, Lars Segerlund wrote:
>  I am running etch with some stuff from experimental.
>  I have updated to libx11-6 from experimental and have the xcb-xxx-dev
> 1.1 packages installed, but when I try to compile some programs which
> used to compile just fine a lot of symbols are not found, ( all the
> XCB<xxxxxx> ones ).
> ( the progs also halt with libxcb.so.0 not found when run ... these
> were built earlier ).
>  I have done a find /usr/. -exec grep -l <symbolname> '{}' ';'
>  and concluded that these symbols are not defined anywhere in the
> system ... this must mean that I am missing some dev package (
> xcb-utils ??? ) or similar ...
>  I really have googled and looked around but I can't figure out what's 
> missing.
>  Please give me some hint :-D ... and please reply to this adress
> since I am not on the list.

It might have been better to post this upstream instead of here, but
even then it would probably be hard to help without seeing exactly what
you're trying to do and what happens.

Earthling Michel Dänzer           |          http://tungstengraphics.com
Libre software enthusiast         |          Debian, X and DRI developer

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