On Tue, Aug 07, 2007 at 02:42:17PM +0200, Brice Goglin wrote:
> Adrian Mariano wrote:
> > I have messed around with the mouse settings as I have tried to
> > gain full functionality of the mouse.  I've attached xorg.conf.bak
> > which I believe is the original file that was installed.  With this
> > initial setup the mouse did not work in the ps/2 port but did work in
> > the usb port.  I switched the "Device" in xorg.conf to /dev/psaux and
> > then the mouse worked in the ps/2 port.
> >   
> If /dev/input/mice does not work while /dev/psaux does, the problem
> might be in the kernel, not in xorg. IIRC, /dev/input/mice is supposed
> to contain /dev/psaux events and the kernel manages these devices
> (together with udev).
> If you switch back to /dev/input/mice now, does it work? If not, does
> the file /dev/input/mice even exist? If yes, do you get some ugly
> characters in the terminal if you move the PS/2 mouse after starting
> "cat /dev/input/mice" as root?

I have never observed /dev/input/mice to work when the mouse was
plugged into the PS/2 port.  At the moment I am using evdev and have
the mouse plugged into the USB and the mouse works.  If I switch it to
the PS/2 it doesn't work.

After switching the mouse to the PS/2 I tried "cat /dev/input/mice"
and saw nothing.  I also tried "cat /dev/psaux" and also saw nothing.
(Is some action required for the PS/2 port to realize it's got a mouse

Just as a confirmation I put the mouse back in the USB and did "cat
/dev/input/mice" and when I moved the mouse I got characters.  

I did all these tests leaving the configuration as it presently stands
with evdev.  

> > The documentation for evdev suggests that it should work regardless of
> > the type of connection.  And certainly the device appears in
> > /proc/bus/input/devices when it is on the ps/2 port.  But it does not
> > work in the ps/2 port, only the usb port.  I restarted X with the mouse
> > in the ps/2 port and then shifted it back to usb when it didn't
> > respond.
> >   
> evdev config might be a different problem. And I don't think you are
> supposed to get a evdev configuration for the mouse after an install.
> Did you modify the config afterwards?

As noted above, I have been experimenting with the configuration to
find a way (any way) to get the tilt wheel to work.  

> > Section "InputDevice"
> >     Identifier      "Configured Mouse"
> >     Driver          "evdev"
> >         Option          "Name"    "ImExPS/2 Logitech Explorer Mouse"        
> >    
> > EndSection
> >   
> I am not very familiar with the evdev config, but you might need more
> options than this. The evdev manpage is pretty well documented, you
> might want to look at it.

The information I found floating around indicated that with recent
versions of evdev, the simple configuration shown below is supposed to
work.  Additional options are not supposed to be necessary.  I did
also note that the evdev instructions make it sound like evdev should
work fine with a ps/2 connected mouse, which would seem to implicate
the kernel as you suggested above.  (I don't think this is an exotic
mouse.  Why would the kernel have trouble with it?)

Note that the mouse works with evdev as long as the mouse is in the
USB.  It's just the tilt wheel that doesn't work.  (I checked with xev
and it shows no event for the tilt wheel.)  The mouse does not work
with evdev if I plug it into the ps/2 port.  

> > (II) evdev brain: Rescanning devices (1).
> > (EE) PreInit returned NULL for "Configured Mouse"
> > (WW) <default pointer>: No Device specified, looking for one...
> > (II) <default pointer>: Setting Device option to "/dev/input/mice"
> > (--) <default pointer>: Device: "/dev/input/mice"
> > (==) <default pointer>: Protocol: "Auto"
> > (**) Option "CorePointer"
> > (**) <default pointer>: Core Pointer
> > (==) <default pointer>: Emulate3Buttons, Emulate3Timeout: 50
> > (**) <default pointer>: ZAxisMapping: buttons 4 and 5
> > (**) <default pointer>: Buttons: 9
> > (**) <default pointer>: Sensitivity: 1
> >   
> Looks like evdev is using /dev/input/mice here.
> > Module                  Size  Used by
> > psmouse                34952  0 
> >   
> Looks good.
> Brice

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