On Sun, Oct 27, 2002 at 07:07:15PM -0800, Marc Wilson wrote:
> I always had the problem with my G450 and later with my G550 that X
> wouldn't set the gamma the same on both heads, although it claimed that it
> was according to the log.  The monitors were the same make and model, and
> the difference was distinct and annoying.
> OTOH, xgamma was always quite willing to set the gamma on the heads
> separately, and I was also able to specify specific gamma settings for each
> monitor in XF86Config-4 and have them take effect.

In that case I'm confused.  Has there been a regression since XFree86
4.1 or not?

G. Branden Robinson                |       Psychology is really biology.
Debian GNU/Linux                   |       Biology is really chemistry.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |       Chemistry is really physics.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |       Physics is really math.

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