On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 11:14:20PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote: > On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 09:00:51PM -0500, Zephaniah E. Hull wrote: > > The 4 mesa packages are obvious, they will conflict, provide, and > > replace their counterparts[1]. > > > > Now, xserver-dri is a little less obvious, it depends on > > xserver-xfree86, but also needs to override 14 files[2] from it. > > I see superscripts but no footnotes.
See my reply to Marcelo E. Magallon for said footnotes. Also, what he pointed out for the X server should work, not sure why I did not remember that. Zephaniah E. Hull. > > -- > G. Branden Robinson | Never underestimate the power of human > Debian GNU/Linux | stupidity. > [EMAIL PROTECTED] | -- Robert Heinlein > http://www.debian.org/~branden/ | -- PGP EA5198D1-Zephaniah E. Hull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>-GPG E65A7801 Keys available at http://whitestar.soark.net/~warp/public_keys. CCs of replies from mailing lists are encouraged. <Mercury> Knghtbrd: Any suggestions on how to semi-easily make $55? <Knghtbrd> Mercury: if you went and beat the crap out of some QL people I'm sure you'd get at least tenfold that from people expressing their gratitude ;> <Knghtbrd> (my luck he takes that seriously hehe) <Mercury> Knghtbrd: This channel is logged.. [msg(Knghtbrd)] If you can provide transportation.. <=:] [Knghtbrd([EMAIL PROTECTED])] hahahaha
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