On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 09:16:16PM +0100, Oz Nahum wrote:
> >Oh Oz, please, please wake up! How often did I mention how to solve this?
> >social_contract.1.1.wml and social_contract.wml are *not* identical. They
> >differ only in a few HTML tags and I could probably convert
> >social_contract.1.1.wml into social_contract.wml (in hebrew/). But why
> should I?
> Jens !
> I really don't know how to answer you. I seem not to under stand you. These
> two files have exactly the same content, why not rename ? Why do I have to
> translate again ?

No, they have not the same content! I explained the necessary steps for
newcomers in a separate mail (but used once a wrong revision for the
translation-check header as Frans noticed), please follow them to get the last
English source of both affected files and compare these. They are very similar
but there are changes. Maybe you compared the HTML files (instead of WML

In http://lists.debian.org/debian-www/2008/10/msg00137.html I wrote:
"Once you translated social_contract.wml I suggest to also translate
 social_contract.1.1.wml as this is very, very similar (and improves your
 statistics :-)"
very, very similar != identical

In http://lists.debian.org/debian-www/2008/10/msg00140.html I wrote:
"Since both documents are nearly identical I suggest you send us
 social_contract.wml as well."

nearly != completely

If I had noticed that both files are identical I had of course committed
your translation twice.

> >You seem to miss the basic workflow and really, really have to learn it.
> I am doing my best to follow up all the mails, it would help if you don't
> loose your patience. I don't really see other people standing in the line to
> help translating this pages.

No, I don't loose my patience and I hope you're not angry with me. If this
will really happen one time be sure that this was not my intention and feel
free to ignore me :-)
> I looked at the directory structure of the English pages and and translated
> social contract 1.1, and my mistake was to rename the file to
> social_contract1.1.wml

Ah, so you translated english/social_contract.wml? In
http://lists.debian.org/debian-www/2008/10/msg00138.html you wrote:
"This time it's the correct file, /hebrew/social_contract.1.1.wml"

I'm confused :-)

(That's why I ask for the file name so that we always know where we have
to commit.)

Looking at the content, you translated social_contract.1.1.wml which
is different from social_contract.wml.

> Obviously the numbering scheme was redundant, because,
> only the old version has a number in the English directory. Hence,  I asked
> someone to rename it. I'm not aware of any difference in html tags or other
> tags.
> Please rename the file so this work will be published.

OK, I will do your work and bring the file in sync with the current English
one. As the changes only affect HTML I should be able to do it.

I also suggest we continue discussion via private mail to reduce useless
discussions on the list.


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