El martes, 13 de diciembre de 2005 00:20, Jutta Wrage escribió:
> For the quotes, I have done a completely new page on my web-site:
> http://www.witch.westfalen.de/csstest/quotes/quotes.html
> This page contains all quotation marks, I have found somewhere
> (mostly Wikipedia) for now. To do that, I had to remove the language
> from html header and I hope, that works for everyone.

> German l10n group has already decided, which quotation mark
> alternative to take in a first step. For the other languages, I will
> add the first alternative, if there are more possibilities and you
> have no objections.

        Hello, Jutta.

        The right Spanish quotes are the first ones. Thank you very much for 

        Best regards,

- I didn't come here to play poom-bow on the radio. So tomorrow from
  5 to 7 you're gonna give yourself a hand, green?
- (Supergreen). 
                -- Korben Dallas & DJ Ruby Rhod (The Fifth Element).
Desarrollador de Debian
Debian developer

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