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Hi Denis,

On Thursday 06 May 2004 22:45, Denis Barbier wrote:
> > I'm using the <gettext> tag to mark repetitive strings, so translations
> > are easier. However, I don't know which gettext domain I should use. My
> > guess is that "templates" would be appropriate.
> It depends, if you have many messages you could create your own domain.

Well, there are only six messages, so I think I'm going to stick with the 
"templates" domain.

> > Is this the correct approach, or did I miss something? And last, not
> > least: after the update with "make pot", how do these changes propagate
> > to the different translations? Can I make the translation teams aware
> > of those new gettext strings?
> Translators will notice these additions by looking at
>   http://www.debian.org/devel/website/stats/<language-code>.html#gettext
> But if you warn them, this is even better.
>   $ grep Language-Team */po/templates.*.po
> returns:
>   Arabic        doc at arabeyes.org
>   Catalan       debian-l10n-catalan at lists.debian.org
>   French        debian-l10n-french at lists.debian.org
>   Italian       debian-l10n-italian at lists.debian.org
>   Japanese      debian-doc at debian.or.jp
> Other translators should fill in header fields.

So you would suggest to crosspost to those lists? And while we're at it, I 
guess I should fill in the relevant information for the German team... ;-)

Anyway, thanks a lot for your comments.

- -- 


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