Hi Matt and others,

I attached a patch which fixes a few more typos which mainly affects
mail.wml files.

One of this changes is s/source.list/sources.list/. I hope I'm right and
source.list was never a valid conffile.

I also rephrased a sentence in events/requirements.wml which is currently
completly senseless.

>From one of my old mails I extracted
$ grep -ri '[a-z]full[^a-z]' english/
which finds many wrong words such as "sucessfull" instead of "successful".

PS: I still do not know how to handle GPG signed mails but I noticed
that often the signature doesn't match the message because "<" was replaced
by "&lt;", ...

? done
? filelist
? CD/http-ftp/cdimage_mirrors.list
? ports/alpha/faq/alpha-sys.html.neu
? ports/powerpc/inst/yaboot-howto.sgml.neu
Index: News/weekly/1999/18/mail.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/News/weekly/1999/18/mail.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 mail.wml
--- News/weekly/1999/18/mail.wml        6 Jan 2002 17:25:37 -0000       1.4
+++ News/weekly/1999/18/mail.wml        26 Mar 2004 00:23:22 -0000
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
 Please note that the winner of the vote does not automatically become
 the official logo: it might need some work to make it fit all the
-logo-criteria and converted to a scaleable format). Once that is done
+logo-criteria and converted to a scaleable format. Once that is done
 I'll announce the official logo to everyone.
 About the GIMP contest: even if the winner was not a submission of the
Index: News/weekly/1999/24/mail.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/News/weekly/1999/24/mail.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 mail.wml
--- News/weekly/1999/24/mail.wml        28 Dec 2002 21:02:27 -0000      1.5
+++ News/weekly/1999/24/mail.wml        26 Mar 2004 00:23:22 -0000
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 The finaly testing phase will only involve testers who found problems,
 and can probably be handled in house with toasters and snail mail. (If
 someone sends me a master, I can toast up the handfull for the testers in
 I have been blessed to have Branden doing the day-to-day operations of the
 testing group, and I commend him for his fine job. So as not to add more
Index: News/weekly/1999/27/mail.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/News/weekly/1999/27/mail.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 mail.wml
--- News/weekly/1999/27/mail.wml        25 Jul 2000 05:53:15 -0000      1.4
+++ News/weekly/1999/27/mail.wml        26 Mar 2004 00:23:22 -0000
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 All "echo" commands in the scripts must somehow call something
 internationalized - "gettext -s" or something debian-specific.
-Se layers 3 and 4 for the pros and cons of each.
+See layers 3 and 4 for the pros and cons of each.
 The way I did it for my weekend test was editing all scripts
 which produced output in /etc/init.d and /etc/rc.boot; before
Index: News/weekly/1999/43/mail.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/News/weekly/1999/43/mail.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 mail.wml
--- News/weekly/1999/43/mail.wml        18 Jan 2003 14:20:32 -0000      1.7
+++ News/weekly/1999/43/mail.wml        26 Mar 2004 00:23:22 -0000
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
        Using apt; type (as root):<br>
        <i>apt-get update</i><br>
        <i>apt-get install task-gnome-apps</i><br>
-       You can also use dselect's apt method; just update source.list and then 
do an update in
+       You can also use dselect's apt method; just update sources.list and 
then do an update in
        dselect (and manually select which packages you want).
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 This repository will be updated from time to time to include the eventually 
needed bug fixes.<br>
-So even after the update, you're encouraged to keep the ressource line in your 
source.list file,<br>
+So even after the update, you're encouraged to keep the ressource line in your 
sources.list file,<br>
 and to type <i>apt-get dist-upgrade</i> from time to time.
 <li> <b>Debian versions before 2.1</b> are not supported.<br>
Index: News/weekly/2002/42/index.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/News/weekly/2002/42/index.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 index.wml
--- News/weekly/2002/42/index.wml       10 Mar 2004 20:33:00 -0000      1.8
+++ News/weekly/2002/42/index.wml       26 Mar 2004 00:23:23 -0000
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
 which look like they are not maintained anymore.  These packages are listed on
 one <a href="http://bugs.debian.org/release-critical/other/all.html";>\
 page</a> denoted with the string <em>[REMOVE]</em>.  This would remove
-packages like Emacs20, <code>kaffe</code>, <code>kpackage</code> and RFC
+packages like <code>emacs20</code>, <code>kaffe</code>, <code>kpackage</code>
+and RFC packages.</p>
 <p><strong>GNOME 2 Transition.</strong> Colin Walters finally <a
Index: News/weekly/2002/45/index.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/News/weekly/2002/45/index.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10 index.wml
--- News/weekly/2002/45/index.wml       16 Feb 2004 19:04:18 -0000      1.10
+++ News/weekly/2002/45/index.wml       26 Mar 2004 00:23:23 -0000
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
 <li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/web/blosxom";>blosxom</a>
     -- A lightweight yet feature-packed weblog.
 <li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/devel/brickos";>brickos</a>
-    -- Alternative OS for LEGO<sup>&#174;</sup> Mindstorms. supports devel. in
+    -- Alternative OS for LEGO<sup>&#174;</sup> Mindstorms. Supports devel. in
 <li><a href="http://packages.debian.org/unstable/devel/regexxer";>regexxer</a>
     -- A visual search and replace tool.
Index: events/requirements.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/events/requirements.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 requirements.wml
--- events/requirements.wml     25 Jul 2002 19:05:30 -0000      1.4
+++ events/requirements.wml     26 Mar 2004 00:23:24 -0000
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 <p>In short, such a booth would be look very poor.  It is quite
 questionable whether this would demonstrate the high level of an
-exhibition, poor project or display that the organizers don't have
+exhibition, it displays that the organizers don't have
 money or don't want to spend money on free software projects.
Index: vote/2002/platforms/raphael.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/vote/2002/platforms/raphael.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 raphael.wml
--- vote/2002/platforms/raphael.wml     14 Feb 2004 20:57:10 -0000      1.7
+++ vote/2002/platforms/raphael.wml     26 Mar 2004 00:23:25 -0000
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
 any other distribution we may introduce...) by backporting the patch
 if necessary. This fixed package may be directly put in testing or
 it may simply be provided on security.debian.org/testing until a fixed
-package has gotten its way into testing).
+package has gotten its way into testing.
 <p>This second team does more or less 
 but it hasn't been very effective yet. It needs to be extended (two people
Index: vote/2003/dpl-discuss.log
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/vote/2003/dpl-discuss.log,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 dpl-discuss.log
--- vote/2003/dpl-discuss.log   11 Mar 2003 23:17:09 -0000      1.1
+++ vote/2003/dpl-discuss.log   26 Mar 2004 00:23:27 -0000
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
 [22:14:11] <tbm> hey biella 
 [22:14:24] * Snow-Man waits of dbharris to be knocked offline.
 [22:14:27] <dbharris> Keep the questions to those of clarification, please.
-[22:14:28] <Zomb> I would like to ask the old non-free-yes-or-no question: 
what would they as DPL do: fight non-DSFG software by the next occasion or 
tolerate it as it is currently done.
+[22:14:28] <Zomb> I would like to ask the old non-free-yes-or-no question: 
what would they as DPL do: fight non-DFSG software by the next occasion or 
tolerate it as it is currently done.
 [22:14:36] * joeyh notes that AFIAK "Universal Operating System" was something 
someone checked into webwml cvs back when, in a fit of grandiosity
 [22:14:40] <biella> hey tbm
 [22:14:42] <ds-work_> biella: allow me to rephrase that

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