
 I from time to time check the template files when I notice updates
there if new things are added, or just in general (mainly to keep the
german language up to date)....

 And it's not the first time now that I noticed that the United Kingdom
is translated wrong to England - but not only in the german language!!

 I'm currently in the english/template/debian/countries.wml file, and if
I interpret the translations correct, it seems that the following
language tags seem to translate it to England:

   'GB' => {'EN' => 'United Kingdom',
            'AR' => 'ÈÑíØÇäíå',
            'CA' => 'England',
            'DE' => 'England',
            'FI' => 'Englanti',
            'ID' => 'Inggris',
            'RO' => 'Marea Britanie',
            'TR' => 'Ýngiltere',

.... these are just those who I *think* mean England in their languages.
No need to correct me publically for it is not meant as an accuse of
anything.  I personally puzzle the UK and England in common speach also
all the time but it still annoys me.

 I don't know about some of the *other* thranslations, though - for I
can't parse the charset, language, whatever...  So if your translation
isn't listed, please check nevertheless.  I'll add a comment right above
these line to state that, to avoid future translation problems....

 I guess translating it to your term of Great Britain might be better,
but that would still be wrong for it excludes Northern Ireland, if I'm
right?  So please don't do that, neither.  These are those who I think
have it translated to Great Britain:

   'GB' => {'EN' => 'United Kingdom',
            'DA' => 'Storbritannien',
            'EO' => 'Britio',
            'HR' => 'Velika Britanija',
            'HU' => 'Nagy-Britannia',
            'IT' => 'Gran Bretagna',
            'NO' => 'Storbritania',
            'PL' => 'Wielka Brytania',
            'RO' => 'Marea Britanie',
            'RU' => '÷ÅÌÉËÏÂÒÉÔÁÎÉÑ',
            'SV' => 'Storbritannien',

 Again, as said above, no accuse of everything, and no insurance that
your language didn't make that mistake.

 If it's o.k. with us to (mis)use the term Great Britain instead of
United Kingdom for translations feel free to raise your voice.  I
personally think it's still wrong, but not to that extend as England is
wrong...  Will say, I can sleep better with translations to Great
Britain than to England.

 Just a thought,
P.S.: Just in case you thought - that doesn't mean that this is the only
file that might have this mistake.  I just noticed it there for it was
quite clearly.  If you going to change it maybe you should consider
grepping through your language directory to spot other places where the
wrong terms were used.
-!- mode/#debian.de [+oo sesom XSnackWRK] by Alfie
 * Alfie . o O ( Nein, ich bin nicht da - bitte nicht anquatschen ;) )
                                        -- #debian.de

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