On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 02:23:02PM +0200, peter karlsson wrote:
> > Strong or bold, doesn't seem to make much difference to me...
> Strong can be interpreted by an aural browser, bold cannot.

Oh. Never thought of that.

> > No, Netscape (and I.E. IIRC) displays <blockquote> as text indented on both
> > sides.
> Yes, that doesn't contradict what I said, though.

Well, you said plain HTML can't do indentation -- it can, it just needs a
proper|broken browser :)

> > IME you have to do some dirty trickery to get your pages to display the way
> > you want them, with plain HTML. And even then, you can never be sure
> > everyone will see it correctly. Sucks.
> No, it's the way it's designed. If you want to control layout, use PDF,
> HTML isn't layout. HTML is used to describe the contents of the page, not
> how it looks. CSS can be used to determine how the HTML is displayed, but
> ultimately it is down to the user/browser.

Ultimately, even if HTML doesn't suck, the whole situation does :|

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