Josip Rodin:

> Strong or bold, doesn't seem to make much difference to me...

Strong can be interpreted by an aural browser, bold cannot.

> Do you have an exact reference to that part of the specification (e.g. URL)?

Hmm, it says that they aren't depreciated after all, only discouraged.

> No, Netscape (and I.E. IIRC) displays <blockquote> as text indented on both
> sides.

Yes, that doesn't contradict what I said, though.

> IME you have to do some dirty trickery to get your pages to display the way
> you want them, with plain HTML. And even then, you can never be sure
> everyone will see it correctly. Sucks.

No, it's the way it's designed. If you want to control layout, use PDF, HTML
isn't layout. HTML is used to describe the contents of the page, not how it
looks. CSS can be used to determine how the HTML is displayed, but
ultimately it is down to the user/browser.

peter -

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