On 10298 March 1977, Frank Lichtenheld wrote:

> As some of you might know some time ago I created a web page for
> listing information about licenses discussed by debian-legal
> at http://www.debian.org/legal/licenses/

> Since this hasn't really worked out I propose to delete this stuff again
> until someone comes up with a better idea how to better present the
> work of debian-legal.

> Comments, objections?

I would love that page working (ie new license summaries added). Would, for some
obscure license crap make my life easier if such a thing appears in
NEW. :)
But then it should be maintained, and I know that its impossible to get
something useful out of -legal (except you define long threads as

bye Joerg
<Ganneff> kde und tastatur? passt doch nicht mit dem nutzerprofil
        "windepp" zusammen :)

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