Catherine Gramze <rhiamom <at>> writes:
> Will this future male character have a video clip exposing his underwear
while he flexes his muscles? Will
> he appear on the track sideline 8 times? Will he be a playable character,
still in his swimsuit? And why is
> his swimsuit not a Speedo, if a bikini is thought to be appropriate for
the female character? 

I see from your comment that (as many in this thread), you haven't played
the game. This is a video depicting Sara and her kart [1], far far
different from your allusive description.

> It is too easy to claim this male character is coming, and get the game
accepted with just Sara, and then never
> quite get around to adding the male because he is an afterthought, not
considered to be essential as the
> female sexual object is. There will be bugs to squash, and refinements of
Sara, and if the male was not
> important enough to be included in this release he may never be released.
HE was not a priority, but the
> female was.

Please assume good faith, as Debian CoC states [2], the developers state
that the reason was lack of time on part of the modeler, there are logs
of such event.


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