Vincent Lejeune <> writes:

> […]
> It's not only Nintendo : I don't remember Nickelodeon shows that
> display sexualised (even lightly) content. I don't know all of their
> show though and they target a younger audience than STK.

This is off topic, but you may need to watch iCarly:

I did watch the episode “iSpeed Date” recently and it contains one of
the main character being tied and gagged by her friend on a web video
stream to get her a date, then the same character speed dating lots of
men, giving each man 15 seconds to “impress” her … leading to this gem:

> Carly:How can I get to know someone in 15 seconds?"
> Sam: "Come on, six of my mom's best relationships started in 15
> seconds!"

According to a friend of mine who often watches Nickelodeon at night
this is quite normal for Nickelodeon shows created by Dan Schneider.

To be clear: This means I consider your assertion that children's
programming on Nickelodeon is devoid of sexualized content false.

> […]
> Secondly I fail to see how removing or replacing content because of
> it's offensive nature is more censoring than removing or replacing
> content because let's say it has a CC-BY-NC-SA licence.

That one seems easy to me: With content under CC BY-NC-SA the authors
actually want to limit redistribution. Me and a friend have written a
book licensed under CC BY-NC-SA explicitly to prevent its commercial
distribution (until the publisher ceases commercial distribution, at
which point it becomes CC BY-SA – this is written into the contact).

With “objectionable” content you are purposely ignoring author intent
and maybe integrity of the work (if it is meant to be objectionable).

I actually think the right way to solve this is to include an option or
separate package that contains content many feel is objectionable. Even
“Bernd und das Rätsel um Unteralterbach” – a game which excels at being
offensive to the point of making players feel uncomfortable – contains
an option to not show offensive content; one has to opt in explicitly.

Related to the above, I think the labeling approach that some on this
mailing list promote is a good idea. I hereby volunteer to play a few
games a week and tag them as soon as a controlled volabulary exists.
Can we use the existing Debian package tag infrastructure for this?

> […]
> I'm actually fine with the debian policy about rejection of non NC
> content. And rejecting content considered innappropriate is a policy
> too and is less right or less wrong that the former.

I think that the question if a policy is morally acceptable depends on
its merits (in this case, what goals the Debian Games Team may share),
not on its source (in this case, being a rule that Debian may have).

In my opinion „being a policy” can never be a valid justification.
(I may have misunderstood you here, though. I am sorry if I did.)

> […]
> The non human was (and still is) non gendered (which is fine btw) ie
> there is no pink/blue differentiator.

I think being gender blind can be right for a children's game – or any
game, though. I certainly like it way more than the whole “princes and
princesses stuff” presented in many typical fantasy settings, promoting
gender stereotypes from a time when people were born into social class,
died from preventable diseases, the death penalty was considered okay
and rulers of powerful countries came mostly from familiy dynasties.

Regarding fantasy settings, Battle for Wesnoth shows incredibly racist
factions; humans are shown to be borderline-genocidal towards orks and
dwarfes are really xenophobic. Wesnoth, however, does deconstruct these
tendencies with attention to detail; in one way by making it possible to
play all the factions and then by racist characters failing to agree to
mutual cooperation. I wish more games would approach racism like that.

Nils Dagsson Moskopp // erlehmann

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