On Fri, Aug 12, 2005 at 06:43:21PM +0600, || स्वक्ष || svaksha  wrote:
> On 8/11/05, Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So, hmm, you may be right that this is a strategy that debian-women needs to
> > adopt in order to scale up much beyond its current size; for my part,
> > though, that seems to demand a greater mental commitment than I'm able to
> > give for tracking of who is or isn't a newcomer.  I guess there may be a
> > culture gap as well; the sort of reception you describe is certainly one I

> IMHO, more than a cultural or gender differences, its about trying to
> understand another human's perspective, listening and allowing it to
> co-exist just as one would one's own. However valid the justification
> to not do so may be, if we never experiment or try out new paths how
> can one predict its success or failure ?

I'm not sure how this has anything at all to do with my concern in the text
you're quoting.  We weren't talking about listening or accepting people's
point of view, we were talking about the perceived need for d-w to be more
actively welcoming.  If all you're requiring of me is to listen, then hey,
I've got that covered.

> > would expect to see (and be inclined to offer) in response to a "first-time
> > poster" post introducing oneself to the list, but if I posted to a new list
> > with a technical comment (which is what I remember seeing from new posters,
> > as I try to reach back in my memory to recall those posts that prompted
> > vague reactions of "hmm, I don't recognize that name"), I would expect a
> > technical response.  A lack of pleasantries wouldn't phase me in the least.

> Not entirely .... Avery's mail was lost / unanswered among others :
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-women/2005/06/msg00129.html

Ah, hmm.  I guess I could cite the sarge release as my excuse, but more
generally I would cite a lack of willingness on my part to try to impose any
sort of an agenda on this group, so in the absence of any known todo list, I
got nothin'. :)  I believe it's also a staple of the Open Source community
that participants must be largely self-actualizing, and that this is a
necessary and desirable element of the culture, so I find it hard to
usefully respond to comments of "I'm here, how can I help?".

Oh, and a google search confirms that this is not actually Avery's first
post to the list, so it seems she wasn't in fact lurking all that
successfully. ;)

In any case, Avery, assuming we haven't bored you off by now,

> Maybe someone with more experience will choose to answer it.

sorry for the lack of response to your question earlier.  It looks like the
link Erinn just posted,
<http://women.alioth.debian.org/wiki/index.php/English/ToDo>, might be a
good starting point for you?

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/

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