Hi again everybody :)
On 11/08/2005, at 4:29 PM, Helen Faulkner wrote:
I believe that most of us would agree that some things that D-W is
doing are
working better than other things. The formation and continuation
of this
particular community is a fascinating and ongoing process, and
there always
seems to be more to learn and more decisions to take and more work
to do for it.
Yes, it's a big and ongoing effort, but very much worthwhile, I
think. :)
I also believe that there is nobody here (except for the occasional
troll) who
intends to insult other members of this community.
Yes, that's what I thought. <puzzled> It's certainly not my thing.
Erinn, I _have_ tried to bring up some of these issues, but the
response is so vehement, and ignores so much of what I said in the
original email, assumes so much of what I definitely _haven't_ said,
that I am not game to keep trying with the topic.
Clytie I am confused and worried by this. I think that I am pretty
closely in
touch with the DW community. Certainly I read all of the list
email, though I'm
not watching the IRC channel 24/7. The only contentious issue that
I remember
you being involved in discussing was the question of whether it is
a good thing
or a bad thing to have a separate debian-women-i18n list. In that
thread, I
don't remember you actually explaining what you think the problems
are with the
way Debian Women is operating. Maybe you could try again to
explain what issues
you would like to see discussed by the DW community? This would be
the first
step to resolving whatever problems you are experiencing.
I started trying to do that by explaining why we needed a separate
group for D-W translators. However, every small thing I tried to
introduce in those posts brought such a negative reaction, and
confused me so badly by most of the negative reactions not even
addressing what I'd said, that I never got anywhere with it. I was
stuck restating what I'd said the first time ... and still getting
nowhere. :(
A reaction like yours above would have been wonderful. :)
I had a small group, some of them not feeling confident about posting
on the main list, and we had a lot of specialized stuff to discuss.
It made sense to me to combine the specialized aspect with mentoring
the less-confident people. It beats me why it _was_ a contentious
issue. It never seemed to me that the people who responded, and I,
were talking about the same things. :(
I have encouraged new people to post here, and I've been disappointed
with the response to those posts. Does anyone say, "Welcome to Debian-
Women, X! Great to see you here. I can see that Y is important to
you, and I'm sure there will be someone here with the expertise you
need, or who can refer you to it. ;)"
This is not superfluous, it's the stuff of which growth is made.
People need to feel welcome, valued and that others are willing to
listen and to understand. I have never encountered such difficulty
trying to get a simple point across as I did in that "contentious
issue", yet this is the place where I would have expected _more_
understanding and willingness to be flexible, not less.
If people think there are problems with the Debian Women project,
or even things
that we could be doing better, we would certainly like to hear
about them. You
can write to the list or raise things on IRC, and anyone is welcome
to email me
privately if you don't wish to discuss something in public.
I can't do real-time communication. :( I'd really like to be able to
use iRC, but I don't process in that phase.
However, for any person here, regardless of background, I believe the
response should be:
I hear what you're saying (I've taken enough time to read it and
try to
understand it: if not, I ask polite questions)
I am willing to let you explain it
I will give you room to learn and grow
I think this is really important, if we want to attract new people
here, and encourage them to take risks and branch out.
Certainly I agree with this, and I think this is the sort of thing
we commonly
see on this mailing list. We are (nearly always - I can't help the
polite, we certainly welcome people regardless of their level of
experience/expertise and we are certainly interested in discussing
issues that
people raise.
I think there are definitely people here who do that. However, it's
not what always happens (excluding trolls). Sometimes, the majority
of posts are in a distant or abrupt tone, certainly not inviting
people to comment or contribute. Your tone here is warm, personal and
encouraring, exactly what we need. We need more of it.
I don't have the resources to go back through all the responses to my
attempts to form a mentor sub-group, but I don't recall _one_ which
encouraged me. People need encouraging: the less confident they are,
the more encouragement they need. That requires ongoing positive
effort. I've pasted in below some suggestions I've just made on gnome-
women, and I hope they will be received in the spirit in which they
are made: positive, trying to help.
Let's look at what we are doing to encourage new members, people
lurking, who may not have enough confidence to take part here. Why is
this? What can we do to encourage them? How would they like us to
respond? Do they feel welcome here, safe to express opinion, and to
make occasional mistakes, or not to have the same level of experience
and knowledge as others?
It is always difficult to find out what people think who are not
enough (yet) to participate in a community. Maybe some of those
who have
recently started posting to this list could comment on Clytie's
questions here?
(Or better still, some of you who have never before posted to
the list!)
That would be terrific! Please do post in and share what is important
to you, how the list could meet your needs, help you feel more
comfortable to express your opinions and ask for help. If anyone
bites you, we'll have them treated for rabies. ;)
With goodwill and caring,
from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm
Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)
The Gnome-Women post:
From talking to other women translators and developers, mostly new
ones, who don't feel they have the confidence to take on "mainstream"
groups, I think our group needs:
1. to be welcoming: make a point of welcoming new people, show an
interest in their background, invite them to share about what they do
and what they want to achieve
Post: Welcome, X, to the Gnome Women list! It's great to see you
posting here for the first time. So you're working in Y? That must be
interesting, bearing in mind the Z situation. We'd be interested to
hear what it's been like for you, as a woman in that field.
As for your question about AA, there are several options you could
usefully investigate... (etc.)
2. to be tolerant: we all make mistakes. If someone is unclear, makes
a mistake or hasn't looked at the usual information, be polite and
helpful, give them good examples and encourage them to follow
effective models of practice.
New poster: I dont knnow where find group to tryanslate (language X)
Response: Welcome to the Gnome-Women list! Gnome has a vibrant and
welcoming translation community. Please look at the main translation
project page (Y). I notice on the teams page (Z) that there isn't a
team for your language yet, but you can contact (ZZ) and ask about
forming a team. Please tell him/her you're a member of Gnome-Women,
and please keep asking questions here: we help each other. :)
as opposed to:
I'm happy to do that for translators, but I think it helps any new
enquirer, so perhaps other Gnome Women could volunteer to be focal
people for different Gnome areas.
New people don't _want_ to look silly or ignorant: most of the time
people are doing their best under the circumstances. Cut them some
Poster X advertizes her company on the group.
Response: We're really interested to hear about your company, but
this list isn't the place to advertize. Please have a look (here).
We'd really like to hear about what it's like for women workers at
your company: what has it been like for you?
This may all be obvious, but somehow it doesn't happen. :(
3. Read emails carefully. It sounds crazy to have to say that, but so
often I've seen new posters put off by having their questions
ignored, and being confused and upset by suddenly receiving responses
about something else. If we're not entirely sure what someone means,
we can ask polite questions:
Poster: I can't find gnomewomen page
Respone: Hi, X. Good to hear from you. Which Gnome Women page are you
looking for? (Of course, they're all equally wonderful. ;) ) What
information are you looking for?
as opposed to:
These types of responses take more time, but I think it's worth doing
one post like that, than sending in several that aren't welcoming and
Everyone has their own style, but welcoming and helpful should be
part of it in a group like this, IMHO.
4. Celebrate achievement.
Package X is gnomewomen member Y's first package. It's in testing.
Post: Our new Gnome Woman package maintainer, Y, has her first
package in testing now! It can be a long trail, but worth it in the
end. Keep all your non-keyboarding fingers crossed for this possibly
nervous package. (How would _you_ feel if you were in testing? ;) )
Y, how has it been getting your package to this stage? What have been
the high points and low points, so far? I had awful problems with A,
but B was pretty easy, considering C. D helped me a lot with that.
Post: We want to hear what you're doing this month. Do you have
anything you really want to get out of the way in (month)? Let's put
up a page of current projects, and highlight milestones. In my case,
I want to get Y done. I need to start (here), and do (this) first,
but I think I can get (this) done by (then). My best resource is
(this), and in time management I focus on (that). How about you?
This is a way to help spread good models of practice, reinforce skills.
Post: Gnome Woman X popped up on our IRC channel for the first time
last night, Y time. Good to see you there! We had a very useful chat
about Z, in between bad jokes about AA. Is there anyone here who
would like to chat on the channel, but doesn't know where to begin?
We've got an IRC primer (here), but please ask questions on the list,
too. We all had to start at the beginning once. ;)
5. Keep it cool.
Post: (non-welcoming, abrupt, not reading the original etc.)
Response: Z, I know you can help X with her question: (question
restated). We need to remember that different people have different
levels of expertise. Where do you think she should start in
addressing (question restated)?
Then the original poster isn't confused by wondering if she's
expressed herself properly, and can keep hoping to get some actual help.
Managing poster behaviour is _not_ easy, but if there are a core
group of Gnome Women consistently being welcoming and helpful, I
think the occasional less-accepting post will be bearable for new and
less confident people. They're looking at the majority behaviour, and
thinking, "Can I do this? Can I take the risk that Z will talk like
that to me? But X and Y are always helpful, I can ask, and at a pinch
I might be able to email one of them. It feels like an accepting place."
6. Invite people to join the list. My i18n coordinator for Debian
invited me to join the D-W list, which I didn't even know existed,
and I really appreciated the invitation. Let's target one or two
invitations each month per Gnome Women, and see whom we find.
That's just a few ideas, anyway. I hope they are useful. :)
from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm
Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)