>> Peter Makholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > I plan to package Subversion <URL: http://subversion.tigris.org>

 Good!  You save me some work ;-)
 > I havn't tried it yet. But if it keeps half it's promises it's worth
 > tho work.

 oh.  I looked at it four weeks ago.  I had to patch here and there in
 order to get it to build (nothing big).  At that time I couldn't do an
 import.  I hope the situation has moved forward a bit.
 > I can't find it in the archive or at the wnpp bug page. So it
 > shouldn't be ITP'ed yet.

 Probably related to the fact that it doesn't work, yet.

Marcelo             | "ER...HO. HO. HO."
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |         -- Death makes a career move
                    |            (Terry Pratchett, Hogfather)

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