David Kimdon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'd like to play with subversion too.  I don't want to step on any toes, or
> repeat work though.  I'm happy to help out however I can. Do you have any
> preliminary pacakging done?

No I don't have any packages above the stage where packageing is
anything else than 'configure ; make; make install'.

There is some problems with co-existing with the libneon15 package all
ready available in Debian and for full support for Subversion we need
a newer libdb3.

These problems takes longer time to solve the right way. Time I dont
have so I'm actually about to retrackt the ITP. If you want to package
subversion please do otherwise I will just retrack the ITP on

Når folk spørger mig, om jeg er nørd, bliver jeg altid ilde til mode
og svarer lidt undskyldende: "Nej, jeg bruger RedHat".
                                -- Allan Olesen på dk.edb.system.unix

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