>> David Kimdon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 > and we need apache2, I think, which isn't even in unstable yet (but
 > people are working on it).


 > > These problems takes longer time to solve the right way. Time I dont
 > > have so I'm actually about to retrackt the ITP. If you want to package
 > > subversion please do otherwise I will just retrack the ITP on
 > > debian-devel.
 > I've got time at the moment so I'd be happy to work on this.  If you
 > change it to RFP I'll come along and change it back to ITP, I think
 > that is the easiest way of doing it, or maybe just an e-mail to the
 > BTS saying that I'm ITP'ing it.

 Any progress on this?  I just read Subversion has reached the
 self-hosting stage and some bugs move bugs have been ironed out.
 According to the progress page, an alpha should be available within a
 month...  has anyone of you produced something that can be called a
 working package?


Marcelo             | Item 16: Assign to all data members in 'operator='
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |         -- Scott Meyers, Effective C++

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