Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> writes:

> or maybe, it's possible to reword option E, because my only problem
> is with the last sentence which reads

> "We will publish these images as official Debian media, replacing 
> the current media sets that do not include non-free firmware packages."

> and which I'd rather like to read

> "We will publish these images as official Debian media, in addition to 
> the current media sets that do not include non-free firmware packages."

> (so s#replacing#in addition to# which I'm not sure is worth another
> option on the ballot. maybe it is.)

I think the difference between those two sentences is part of the whole
thing that Steve is asking the project to decide, so I want to make sure
that the outcome of the GR is still clear about the question Steve is
trying to get answered, SC issues aside.

I have no objection to someone proposing an option F that has the SC
change plus Gunnar's wording, but I also don't think Gunnar's wording
requires any SC change, since we're still distributing a free installer
(part of the Debian system) and a non-free installer (not part of the
Debian system).  I personally am okay with having an official installer
that's not part of the Debian system; it's a bit of an odd collision of
wording, but the non-free repository is in a sense an official part of
Debian (there is a specific non-free section maintained by Debian that is
in that sense "official"), even though it's not part of the Debian system.
(I understand why people might disagree, but that's where I am.)  For me,
it was the point where we stop distributing any other installer where I
felt like we should probably modify the SC because otherwise it feels
arguably in conflict.

So, for what it's worth, that's my rationale for why I think only option A
should have an SC-modifying version.

That said, if option B wins, we could also tackle this as part of the
follow-up work on rewording SC5.  Or of course someone could propose
another option, which would be fine!  (But I don't have the resources to
do that myself.)

Russ Allbery (r...@debian.org)              <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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