On Sat, 20 Nov 2021, Russ Allbery wrote:
>        1. Any member of the Technical Committee may propose a resolution.
>           This creates an initial two-option ballot, the other option
>           being the default option of "Further discussion." The proposer
>           of the resolution becomes the proposer of the ballot option.

Suggest making this "None of the above" instead of "Further discussion"
to avoid two different default options for TC decisions vs project

> Add a new paragraph to the start of 6.3.2 following "Details regarding
> voting":
>        Votes are decided by the vote counting mechanism described in
>        section §A.5. The voting period lasts for one week or until the
>        outcome is no longer in doubt assuming no members change their
>        votes, whichever is shorter. Members may change their votes until
>        the voting period ends. There is a quorum of two. The Chair has a
>        casting vote. The default option is "Further discussion."

Same as above.

> Strike "The Chair has a casting vote." from the existing text and make the
> remaining text a separate, second paragraph.

I'm assuming the intention is to remove the duplication of "The Chair
has a casting vote", right? [That's what I understood, but textual
descriptions of text edits are challenging.]

Because of this (and others), can I suggest that the ballot option be
specified as a wdiff to the existing constitution?

Whoever has to modify the constitution at the end of this vote will
likely appreciate it.

Don Armstrong                      https://www.donarmstrong.com

He was wrong. Nature abhors dimensional abnormalities, and seals them
neatly away so that they don't upset people. Nature, in fact, abhors a
lot of things, including vacuums, ships called the Marie Celeste, and
the chuck keys for electric drills.
 -- Terry Pratchet _Pyramids_ p166

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