> whose potential work Can we compare a potential work with a potential work? Real work with real work, meters with meters, seconds with seconds and so on... Not inches with bananas, please.
> If I were to follow the argumentation that Stallman's contributions are so > immensely important No. He didn't anything wrong against philosophy of FOSS and so on. Did FSF issue a wrong license? That would be a problem. Personal opinion of rms, unrelated to fsf.org - is not. If some people can't distinguish such cases - such people are threat for FOSS, not rms. > The position of the FSF, as announced, is that contributors outside their > inner circle are unimportant. You did same, isn't? E.g. whose, who support debian packages - are not part of the Debian (https://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2021/03/msg00374.html).