Le mardi 30 mars 2021 à 19:35:05+0300, Sergey B Kirpichev a écrit :
> > Debian Maintainers and Contributors are indeed not Debian Members and
> > it's written to many places.
> For instance...
> https://www.debian.org/intro/people
> --->8-----
> People: who we are, what we do
> Developers and contributors
> Debian is produced by almost a thousand active developers spread around the 
> world who volunteer in their spare time. Few of the developers have actually 
> met in person. Communication is done primarily through e-mail (mailing lists 
> at lists.debian.org) and IRC (#debian channel at irc.debian.org).
> The complete list of official Debian members can be found on nm.debian.org, 
> where membership is managed. A broader list of Debian contributors can be 
> found on contributors.debian.org.
> ----->8---
> Can you see here a clear distinction: we do political statements for DD
> only?

Well, as you told me you had the time to learn about Debian ant its ways
and presumably you already know the answer to that.

> > I wonder if you are feeling angry
> SJW destroyed yet another technical community.   Why I should be happy?

Are you aware that many of those "SJW" have been Debian Members for a very
long time, and are actually the most technical part of that community?

Your opinions are yours, and are not shared by everyone here, this GR
will be a good reality check.

I wish you a rapid recovery: my experience with griefs is that they
are not beneficial on the long term.

Pierre-Elliott Bécue
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It's far easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.

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