On Sat, Nov 30, 2019 at 03:47:40PM -0500, Sam Hartman wrote:
> First, if it does not reset the minimum discussion period, I'd like to
> withdraw proposal C.

I don't think that withdrawing an option changes the minimum
discussion period.

In A.2 it says:
    4. The minimum discussion period is counted from the time the last
       formal amendment was accepted, or since the whole resolution was
       proposed if no amendments have been proposed and accepted.

To confuse people, in A.1 it says:
    6. The proposer of a resolution may make changes to correct minor
       errors (for example, typographical errors or inconsistencies) or
       changes which do not alter the meaning, providing noone objects
       within 24 hours. In this case the minimum discussion period is not

Which seems to imply that maybe other options under A.1 might have
that effect, other than A.1.2.

Withdrawing is under A.4, which doesn't say anything about the
discussion period.

Anyway, I'm not sure what the "I'd like" means. Is that just an
intention to do it, or did you do it?

> I think the overlap between Proposal C and F is significant and we have
> not identified differences that appear to be important to our community.
> I don't plan to make aCFV before Tuesday.  Whether even that makes sense
> depends on what happens between now and then.  I continue to believe it
> is very important to start voting by December 8.  based on feedback
> received so far, I do plan to ask to extend the voting period to three
> weeks.
> Obviously others could choose to make a CFV sooner.
> At this point, speaking as an interested party, but not the DPL, I'd
> request that we not reorder the options.
> I've found that I need to talk in mails, IRC, notes to myself about the
> specific proposals by letter.
> I have seen others do the same.
> I think that the cost of confusion is high enough at this point that I'd
> rather not see us reorder.
> If you do reorder, please please don't change the web links like
> https://www.debian.org/vote/2019/vote_002#textf (the link to Proposal
> F's text).

The reason I didn't reorder it yet, is because it's talked about
like that. But I guess I can just reorder it on the page, keep the
letter but change the number.

In any case, at the time of the vote I want the order on the page
to be the same as the option on the ballot.


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