Voting period starts 00:00:01 UTC on Sunday, 26th February, 2006 Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC on Saturday, 11th March, 2006.
The following ballot is for voting on a General Resolution to address the Debian project's position on the GNU Free Documentation License. The vote is being conducted in accordance with the policy delineated in Section A, Standard Resolution Procedure, of the Debian Constitution. The details of the general resolution can be found at: You may see the constitution at For voting questions contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] HOW TO VOTE First, read the full text of the GR and amendments. The ballot does not claim to be complete rendition of the proposals, or even accurately depict the spirit of each proposal. Do not erase anything between the lines below and do not change the choice names. In the brackets next to your preferred choice, place a 1. Place a 2 in the brackets next to your next choice. Continue till you reach your last choice. Do not enter a number smaller than 1 or larger than 4. You may skip numbers. You may rank options equally (as long as all choices X you make fall in the range 1<= X <= 4). Make sure you have read the proposals in detail. To vote "no, no matter what" rank "Further discussion" as more desirable than the unacceptable choices, or You may rank the "Further discussion" choice, and leave choices you consider unacceptable blank. Unranked choices are considered equally the least desired choices, and ranked below all ranked choices. (Note: if the Further Discussion choice is unranked, then it is equal to all other unranked choices, if any -- no special consideration is given to the Further discussion choice by the voting software). Then mail the ballot to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Don't worry about spacing of the columns or any quote characters (">") that your reply inserts. NOTE: The vote must be GPG signed (or PGP signed) with your key that is in the Debian keyring. - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 25a628e9-d88e-40b7-8e1c-888cff421ea5 [ ] Choice 1: GFDL-licensed works are unsuitable for main in all cases [ ] Choice 2: GFDL-licensed works without unmodifiable sections are free [ ] Choice 3: GFDL-licensed works are compatible with the DFSG [needs 3:1] [ ] Choice 4: Further discussion - - -=-=-=-=-=- Don't Delete Anything Between These Lines =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The responses to a valid vote shall be signed by the vote key created for this vote. The public key for the vote, signed by the Project secretary, is appended below. -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux) mQGiBEP/KdERBACfYMfhnmS8EnQmTKXyRs+zfdHCt9fzYmsPdnRLLjU+K0LDrI+j P/hcTy6shnbsLJ8uZ/G8Mc+Ideyxi8tJzWsSVF5cH0tjRf3P0sdU2IQfatvZoNev IUURoA48wJAWS8r8bB9wup35kxpbgZIIVwNErF48C9igR8I9L/QHyFkKewCg7hoU ou3ste4nAgYZpgW31zbQloMD/2fPaoMLakNa0na+nXhvSSD1whFwNT+ZB9yDUQ5m FJkiIwpRaoUr5hbzEXop7B4/wWGNu1VmHWVKmuoiIRP+8vq6AVs9pRDo1TqmEl1c b5lyozCOZ0Zb0Zh855Q9gYfaF+PaYd1DK3nGS+/9DzV4kII3E1nStC4KpMtGZixh rNa/BACQxZosySduELQXa9nHrJ1SypQe5bfcl7gZoaxhuAOBEsQBiv+teWGcK6fa NpZC53PT7C0TmsBBx7Ymi0L6sjcZPucJpw13/5MZeQ39jhC4AhJaXrLB0E1/Wdt6 +THy223Tpchsh45SkqytPP9Df5RUL/PIS7JP9lRgUlSmaWjLTbQzR0ZETCBWb3Rl IChFcGhlbWVyYWwgS2V5KSA8Z3JfZ2ZkbEB2b3RlLmRlYmlhbi5vcmc+iGYEExEC ACYFAkP/KdECGwMFCQAbr4AGCwkIBwMCBBUCCAMEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRDtWN16 3pVmC9PGAKCGdCTnNwjDSKIOj5BTA95YE6Vn3ACfVEIlzJi31uNfCGSsKRsthlob p5uIRgQQEQIABgUCQ/8qjwAKCRAhutq7vyRCTH3BAJ9yHYsqNwooLGOoYbdQO6yv /VhFmQCgtf07OuzZNfK9PIqZZgKfAqDWX+q5Ag0EQ/8p1hAIAOwp6upWzHFPXDON I2TOSudbf/j5oFlCw9+z8tdnqaIp14eKwH6ZmnC+I2ZeLF9qH+Jj+rA5dMdIOOvZ jQ9ZnMXMLhG2Ie4ctmLXHxsLzeRCoCOxxZ+ulYINBe0WVZmhCsM2bg2LrcT88jpD J/hUOaeFuAc6wd1fBXmzCtdshs3bXBU5u6BompRQquiNkSReFBFCMklUhlhMrm4f wulNcavPD4D1KDLXtQxNhUzE60MUFdfytsWpD2+Y4uFXkXonlfur2+fda0NLsIwV pRKJCYwS2tDS5ENVypY8SuJRKbAsqvG9Qic7DU7SgvnfeUkoQUP0hiOXxklVOk8t zDDYzXcAAwUIAN8mY2Qi0cwvYtQZpHtADN4jqoB3CrSwsacoQKtxZQ3PdnIx7QyC d+AaEdura5gwnJMKqo9tjABI27Wt5uoVm1vMaCxUy9NXJRNY759lIi1T5xxsGqAY 984vfhUF3+Z0Gb2zZkczVUWsDgC9rUAw4HPQbjOwoQI/zkUCjWrPyWUHJNe+iXLY K+Z1B8jQ+YrcdcK10rp0bD1RLQmmqP1TDZBBDUztGKgXpKgVs54u+lWa554JIBN7 wQkXeHrqwjzadfPlL2HqryikoMYDtNkvbq9dkL0NUGRWCxo6KUgdT138S4Pm5tyw f6fMGlyj+St/k+p0eFPXyh9FeE2LWCUbrbSITwQYEQIADwUCQ/8p1gIbDAUJABuv gAAKCRDtWN163pVmC1HiAKDdiFarSoqlLkBD0BEEJx+6AHk0vwCfcvUKgB0R356r g2uzvkyzcPr26mQ= =RGtN -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- -- I came to MIT to get an education for myself and a diploma for my mother. Debian Project Secretary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <> 1024D/BF24424C print 4966 F272 D093 B493 410B 924B 21BA DABB BF24 424C
Description: PGP signature