* Thomas Bushnell, BSG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001113 11:11]: > That's fine; if you want Craig to continue to post vituperative email, > beyond all pale of human decency, feel free. But I will insist that > it is inappropriate for Debian developers to send such mail in the > course of Debian business, and I will continue to make sure the > membership as a whole is aware of what one of it's more foul-mouthed > collegues is up to.
You know Thomas, you could also choose to ignore Craig's emails. Replying to him politely doesn't seem to work, replying to him not so politely doesn't seem to work, and the for the most part, bouncing the emails to the lists hasn't worked -- or at least, several people have suggested not continuing this practice. (If I really wanted the intrigues of someone else's private life (read: email), I would watch soap opras or read tabloids. I don't need it delivered to me via debian-vote.) Take a look at using procmail; it saves me quite a bit of time, and likely it can do the same for you. Based on how upset Craig seems to make you, procmail might also be able to save you all sorts of money on heart-burn medication. Cheers. -- ``Oh Lord; Ooh you are so big; So absolutely huge; Gosh we're all really impressed down here, I can tell you.''