listen dickhead, if you're going to request that i not email you
privately then the onus is on you to not write inflammatory crap that
requires a response.
btw, it's interesting to see that a debian developer is threatening to
infringe my copyright by posting my private messages to a public forum.
On Mon, Nov 13, 2000 at 02:09:11AM -0800, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:
> Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > i read as much of it as i could stomach last night. there seemed little of
> > any real interest...just wankers like you crapping on with the same old
> > bullshit.
> I have plenty of friends in Debian,
i'm frankly surprised that a loser like you has any friends at all. are
you sure you're not exaggerating the relationship somewhat?
> many of whom think that a lot of this discussion and voting and such
> is a total waste of time. They have the sense therefore to spend
> their time on other things. You seem to think that it's great fun to
> pretend to care, and then say you don't and then say you do, and then
> act like a childish fool.
> Didn't your mother teach you that calling people names is rude and
> childish? Did you never learn that you catch for flies with honey
> than vinegar?
i have no interest in catching flies of your ilk.
i respond to offensive posturing and wankerism with offensive language.
simple as that. if you don't want offensive language coming your way,
then refrain from offensive behaviour in public forums.
> Why, exactly, do you think that abusing people is a good way to get
> your point across? Has it ever convinced someone they were wrong?
the abuse was not intended to get any point across. the abuse was, oddly
enough, intended to abuse you because you so richly deserved it.
> If you are using Debian as a way to vent some anger you have pent up,
> then please don't.
i am not. my anger was a direct result of you deciding to jump in and
have your fuckwitted 2 cents worth about something i wrote, even though
your opinion is worthless, irrelevant, and unwanted.
> Debian isn't here for you to be a snide twit; if
debian isn't here for you to posture like a fuckwit.
> you don't care about an issue, you could be silent. Or you could
> speak, but you must do so respectfully and appropriately, or you
> should be censured.
i speak respectfully to those i have respect for. note that i do not
speak respectfully to you. that is no accident.
no regards,
craig sanders
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