On Wed, February 04 at  6:07 PM EST
Christian Schnobrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Mit, 2004-02-04 at 16:04, Shawn Lamson wrote:
>> You could try starting OO from a shell where you are exporting the
>> locale. I would check the output of locale to see what it is set to
>now.> Mine is LC_CTYPE="POSIX" and I don't have a problem rendering
>utf8...> utf8 shows up in the output of locale -a... I tried 
>> export LC_CTYPE="en_US.utf8"
>> openoffice
>This won't change it for me. But it was a good idea I'd never had
>BTW, starting it from the shell I got the following, that seems it
>might actually mean something:
>Starting configuration import into user data ..
>.. importing layer file:///tmp/oooLocale.XXXXIPRA8b - succeeded
>I18N: Operating system doesn't support locale ""
>Looks like I've still got some undeclared locale, or what else could ""
>> Also in OO under Tools>Options there is a Language setting - again
>mine> is set to "Default" and it is okay - maybe you have something
>other> specified?
>Well, German. And I don't have anything like "default" available -- the
>next best setting is "none", which, again, didn't change a bit.
>Other than that, I may only chose languages by their name, no mention
>of the coding system that will be used.

Can you copy the output of 
#locale -a
for us?
Also I am no expert in locales but I think this may be your problem.

Shawn Lamson

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