On 1/3/25 05:05, mick.crane wrote:
On 2025-01-03 02:59, gene heskett wrote:
On 1/2/25 21:20, mick.crane wrote:
On 2025-01-01 21:46, gene heskett wrote:
On 1/1/25 13:48, Joe wrote:
On Wed, 1 Jan 2025 14:58:25 +0100
poc...@homemail.com wrote:
In fact I'm sure you've noticed that help is often offered to users of other systems, but tentatively and with warnings that it may not work.

"Gene is a special case in that he uses non-standard hardware to do things that the rest of us don't do, working in ways that we don't work. We do our best, but that's often not good enough".

I've no idea what gene is talking about but his questions indicate somebody who wants to be in control of his own operating system.
Isn't that what this stuff is all about?

Absolutely Mick.  Don't adjust your antenna, the pix is perfect.

I know that Torvalds discovered that mimix had been released for free, grabbed it, and started writing a kernel and gave it away with no encumbrances and that's what started this whole thing off. Really it shouldn't matter what the hardware is if there's a human readable system to get a computer to do what you want. Myself I have my suspicions that all the nuances and complications may have been introduced by the control freaks who do not want us free to do our own thing.

Precisely Mick. I'm for instance, running a 11x54 Sheldon metal lathe, teaching it new dances it could not do when it was made in the 1940's, and I'm doing it, starting when the rpi3b was new, just to see if I could. The rpi3b was a bit pushed but the rpi4b does it perfectly.  I was the first but not the last.  So instead of a 250 watt wintel system using conventional hdwe, when LinuxCNC is not running, that machine draws 14 watts with its monitor.. And I did it just to see if I could. The interface cost a bit more but has long ago paid for itself in a lower power bill. Now I'm doing the same thing to 3d printers. Putting them on a reduced power bill diet, yet still runs faster than OOTB by 10x. I am not afraid to use new tech. But like anybody else plowing new ground, learning how can be a lonely thing. Yet if somebody wants to follow, just ask. I'll share.

I replaced our bathroom vanity 25 years ago, and had to change a leaking faucet yesterday.  So I printed 3 wrenches to facilitate that. Worked fine, but who else would even consider that a useful plumbing wrench could be printed? That is who I am.  Two of them need to be longer, but anyone interested, I'll print even better ones for $40 to replace the plastic used & give me a buck an hour for my time. About 8 hours a wrench.

Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.

"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

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