On 09/07/2024 03:46 PM, Quaeryth wrote:
On 2024-09-07 11:50, Richard Owlett wrote:
This started with be exploring "regular expressions".
I discovered some tutorials that were using Bash in their samples.
One {lost the reference at the moment} was almost a match for a real
world problem I have.
But I've not used Bash in eons and have forgotten how to read a file
into a single variable or a array variable.
I've downloaded "Bash Reference Manual"
for when I need fine grained details.
I've bookmarked the various links on
for quick reference.
I find neither to be search friendly.
When I've been in the same position, I don't know that I have a single
go-to resource. Instead I tend to search for what I'm wanting to do at
the moment and then check out results that seem relevant from
https://stackoverflow.com/. I usually have pretty good luck there.
https://devhints.io/bash may be helpful, and a couple of the other pages
linked at the top looked pretty good, too (e.g. the wiki you referenced).
Problem is they are pedagogy oriented so to speak. I'm looking for
easier searchability (real word? ;).
Unsolicited thoughts: When it comes to regexes (regular expressions),
the syntax can depend on where/in what (programming) language or
application you're using it. When I was trying to sort it all out I
stumbled upon https://www.regular-expressions.info/, which was a big
help to me. If you click on "Tools & Languages" at the top of the page,
you can also get explanations for how regexes are implemented in your
particular context. I used this site as a reference while trying to pull
data out of log files at work in a text editor (Sublime Text, which I
highly recommend for immediate feedback on your regex attempts). If you
don't have a big file to practice with, try saving one of the links on
https://openbible.com/texts.htm for a copy of the Christian Bible in a
single text file. I'm sure there's other text files like that out there
if that's not your cup of tea. Good luck with regex; each time I need it
is a fun and useful puzzle to solve.
I've got helpful references for regular expressions. Their examples use
Bash as the vehicle. I want to get my real world examples into Bash so I
can follow the example techniques given.
[My examples are from my experiments with re-formatting
text at https://ebible.org/engkjvcpb/ for comfortable reading by fellow
tri-focal wearing senior citizens - that I want to minimize the number
of HTML tags & eliminating all CSS usage annoys some HTML5 purists ;]