On 2024-09-07 11:50, Richard Owlett wrote: > This started with be exploring "regular expressions". > I discovered some tutorials that were using Bash in their samples. > One {lost the reference at the moment} was almost a match for a real > world problem I have. > > But I've not used Bash in eons and have forgotten how to read a file > into a single variable or a array variable. > > I've downloaded "Bash Reference Manual" > [https://www.gnu.org/savannah-checkouts/gnu/bash/manual/bash.html] > for when I need fine grained details. > I've bookmarked the various links on > [https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ] > for quick reference. > > I find neither to be search friendly. > > Suggestions? > > TIA
When I've been in the same position, I don't know that I have a single go-to resource. Instead I tend to search for what I'm wanting to do at the moment and then check out results that seem relevant from https://stackoverflow.com/. I usually have pretty good luck there. https://devhints.io/bash may be helpful, and a couple of the other pages linked at the top looked pretty good, too (e.g. the wiki you referenced). Unsolicited thoughts: When it comes to regexes (regular expressions), the syntax can depend on where/in what (programming) language or application you're using it. When I was trying to sort it all out I stumbled upon https://www.regular-expressions.info/, which was a big help to me. If you click on "Tools & Languages" at the top of the page, you can also get explanations for how regexes are implemented in your particular context. I used this site as a reference while trying to pull data out of log files at work in a text editor (Sublime Text, which I highly recommend for immediate feedback on your regex attempts). If you don't have a big file to practice with, try saving one of the links on https://openbible.com/texts.htm for a copy of the Christian Bible in a single text file. I'm sure there's other text files like that out there if that's not your cup of tea. Good luck with regex; each time I need it is a fun and useful puzzle to solve. Quaeryth