On 9/8/24 12:17, Steve McIntyre wrote:
debian-u...@howorth.org.uk wrote:
Richard Owlett <rowl...@access.net> wrote:
[My examples are from my experiments with re-formatting
text at https://ebible.org/engkjvcpb/ for comfortable reading by
fellow tri-focal wearing senior citizens

As a mere bifocal (well vari-focal) wearer can I suggest a different
approach. Stop wearing tri-focals or any other variable focus specs for
reading a computer screen. Tell them to get a [very cheap] pair of
single focus reading glasses made to suit the distance their screen is

I did this years ago and wouldn't try to do it any other way now. The
bliss of being able to read the whole screen comfortably without moving
if I want to.

100% agreed. When I started with varifocals 3 years ago, my optician
strongly recommended also getting a set of fixed-focus glasses for
monitor work. Despite the inconvenience of carrying multiple pairs of
glasses, I totally understand why - it makes a huge difference when
I'm sat in front of the screen for hours at a time.

That's what my dad did.  I thought he was just being weird, but now that I
have a touch of presbyopia, it all becomes clear.

I have searched in vain for reading glasses that fit over a regular pair of
prescription glasses. Yeah the combination is heavy and you're looking
through two more surfaces, but you only have to buy them once and annoyance
is a lot more plentiful than cash.

When we've nuked the world to a cinder, the cockroaches picking
over the remains will be crawling over the remaining artifacts
and wondering what "PC LOAD LETTER" means. -- PC / ASR

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