
On Sat, Jul 20, 2024 at 09:44:52PM +0100, debian-u...@howorth.org.uk wrote:
> It seems clear to me that what's needed is a change in the law. At the
> moment here in the UK we have national news services explaining that
> airline passengers won't be able to get compensation because the
> 'event' was outside the airline's control. That's clearly nonsense
> since some airlines weren't affected so perhaps sense will eventually
> prevail and the companies that have had problems will be held liable
> for damages to their customers.

And yes here in the UK where we allowed the Post Office to pay
billions to Fujitsu to develop the Horizon IT system that
incorrectly accused hundreds of postmasters of fraud, resulting in
criminal prosecutions and at least one case of suicide.

Innocent people died and went to jail — lives were ended and ruined
— and there will be no real consequences for those people to blame.
We will be lucky to see any criminal prosecution of Post Office
management, if there are any they will be a joke, and absolutely
nothing will happen to the vendor Fujitsu UK.

There is still nothing stopping a Horizon IT incident on Linux.

So yes, agreed, the software industry needs to grow up and it's
pointless arguing for our tribe within it at this level.


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