On Saturday, 20-07-2024 at 13:54 hlyg wrote:
> crowdstrike makes news headlines, many Windows become blue screens

The CrowdStrike issue was not a Windows issue, it was a CrowdStrike

The problem did not affect our Windows computers as we have not
installed CrowdStrike software.

I think the media have a habit of over exaggerating things. 

I am not long back from shopping at a supermarket, I asked if they
were affected. Well they were, but not for long as their IT staff
worked furiously to apply the CrowdStrike fix, and soon had things
working again. Not sure how long they were out for, but it did not
adversely affect me, in fact I would never had known if not for the
media hype.

At least I was not travelling on any flights at the time the faulty
update had been pushed. I can wait a day to go buy food, but changing
flights while travelling is something you do not want delays with.

> it is evident that many people around still use Windows

I would agree that Windows is the most used OS for desktop PCs.

> i wonder if linux is more reliable than Windows

Do you think Windows is not reliable?  Why is that?

> according to some statistics linux has only 4% desktop market, 73%
> MS, 15% for MacOS

Windows is loosing ground?, they have over 90% market share once, when
I was checking out stats.

> why free OS hasn't gained more share even after 30 years of

Do you use Linux yourself?

If not, why not?

Have you tried to convincing any Windows users into moving to Linux?

The usual reasons I am given from Windows users are:  

1) They see Microsoft Office as a necessity so then can share
documents with other people. Or they want to use Outlook as their
email client.
(a benefit of having market dominance with a product that can only
effectively run on your own OS)

2) Windows Users believe Windows has more real-time virus scanners
than Linux does.  Please remind me of the list of real-time virus
scanners available for Linux.

3) One thing that concerns me when I try to recommend Linux to Windows
users, is that I cannot get by without using terminal commands in
Linux, but in Windows powershell and command prompt are not required
to be used by standard users. Is it possible to use Linux only from
GUI programs? Many Windows users I know struggle just finding where
their photos are.

4) Software which runs on Windows but is not available on Linux. Photo
shop, various games, etc.   (I am curious how Windows on Copilot+ PC
will go, I expect companies will eventually recompile their software
for the new Snapdragon hardware, but unlikely to rewrite their
software for Linux)

For me, Linux has and does all I require, and I don't mind using
terminal commands now and then. But I am unable to recommend Linux to
anyone who does not 'want' to use it.


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