On 7/20/24 09:59, Hans wrote:

well, the thing is: Do we really want to go to more market share?

Let's imagine, Debian becomes market relevant, what will happen? Sure, more
developers get paid, what is very nice. But not all developers will.

Many good developers will not be paid and when the market will rule things,
then many good developers will be pushed away or demoralied. Because it will
become common, that people will no more cherish theire work.

The development of a few people will be cherished, those, who create programs,
the market wants.

I am using linux since more than 30 years and it is impressive, what people
can do, when they can do, what they want and what they like.

And look at the quality, look, what has been created since the beginning. This
was only possible, because no market forced people, to do things the market
wants, not what the developers want.

I think, we all can be happy, that we are not dependent from any market, the
developers, because theire freedom and theire contentement is not been
deminished, and the users, who get very good and high qulitative software to
work with.

And if you really think, the more you spend, the better the software, you can
of course buy software only from the market.

Or, you can donate linux developers and/or distributors of your money.

Personally(!) I think, the second way is better, because I can speak directly
to developers, could (if I would be capable of) fix things myself together
with the developers and maybe can even ask him, to implenent some functions
especially for me.

All things, a market driven software will never offer.

So, I think, we can be happy, that linux (and debian) is not market relevant.
It will lose its freedom, its high quality and the joy of many people.

Sorry, if I did not always find the right expression, I am not native English.

And even you Hans, leave out the major, all encompassing, reason for the lack of market share, which is that most business that have a computerized system to run things also value what their MBA says. And since there is no one to sue to cover their personal butt in case the system goes south like cloudflare has in the last 3 days, M$ & cloudflare are a brick and morter legal target they can sic the legal team onto.

Their is essentially no one in the linux arena to sue if things go south, so it doesn't take more than an eighth grade education to see why they won't ever recommend linux no matter how superior it may be at the end of a P&L report. They have to have someone to sue. Bill Shakespear said it best when he wrote "first, we kill all the lawyers." But MBA's had not yet crawled out of the slime schools yet, so he can't be blamed for not including MBA's when he wrote that famous phrase.

Best regards



Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

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