> You missed one: Linux is virtually a virus-free environment, and a
> large user base would mean many more people running as root, and it
> would become worth the time of malware writers to target Linux. Linux
> would become as virus-ridden as Windows.
> It would also become a target for data harvesting, from which Debian,
> at least, is refreshingly free. I have no doubt that MS makes more
> money from user data sales than it does from sales of domestic versions
> of Windows.

I do not agree. This is an argument, i am often get confronted with. The more 
linux, the more malware? No, it isn't. See, linux is the most used OS in the 
server world. All important companies rely on it. EBay, Google, Amazon, and 
even Microsof. Its DNS running Linux. Cloudflare and others, too. 

So, these are really interesting targets, where you can really hurt lots of 
people. If linux would bre so easy to crack like Windows, the attackers would 
do. But it isn't. It is (mostly) secure by design. 

There are millions of "viruses" for Windows, but only a handfull of viruses 
(or rootkits) for linux. 

And think of OpenBSD: Only 2 security holes in more than 15 years. How many 
security holes got Windows in th elast 10-15 years? With all their money, 
which can buy any super, duper coder look at the result. 

No, I see it else. It can be done (OpenBSD is showing it). It is the arrogance 
of Microsoft (and many other companies). 

It is not the spread of Windows, it is theire bad quality what makes crackers 
attack this system. Low fruits, you know?

And there is another thing, that makes linux better: The developers want to 
write stable and secure software. It is theire joy and happiness. They do not 
mourn, when someone is telling a bug or a security hole. They are happy, to 
fix it. Making theire software, theire "baby" better. 

In market, the developers MUST do it, for them fixing software is just 
annoying and more work (for the same money). That is the differnce.

Note: I do not want to claim, linux developers are the better coders. But they 
are coding with theire heart. That makes the difference. 

It is not the spreading of software.

Have fun!


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