Which is not quite correct. As a hamradio (I am one), you are allowed to develop your very owh rf-devices. Transceivers, measure equipment, whatever you like.
Many things, we are using today in consumer devices are first developed by radio amateurs (example shorthand "packet radio", which is data over hf). When you have a radio amateur license, you can do lots of things in the air. Sure, there are regulations, you are not allowed to transmit anywhere and your transmit power is reduced to 750W, but this does not technical restrict you. Hamradio is the freedom in the air, you have in coding in linux. Also here are some rules (GPL, ethicness, kindness whatever), but those do not techniocal restrict you in any way. Best regards Hans > Which the current rules for such does not allow, by FCC edicts, only > sealed FCC approved blobs are allowed to play in the rf field. > So don't blame the coders, blame the regukatory agencies. > > > Regards, > > Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.