On 2024-07-04 at 15:25, Hans wrote:

> Hi The Wanderer,
>> Hans, are you certain you composed those three messages the same
>> way, using the same interface of the same program, and sent them
>> the same way?
> No, the first mail was created natively (= a new mail),

To clarify: the mail I listed first was the one which you wrote as a
reply to me, not the mail with which you started this thread. So both
that *and* the one after it were replies, but the one got a pass and the
other didn't.

> the one with the "[SOLVED] in the subject was a reply to someones
> mail from the list and the last mail was also a reply this time of my
> of my own.
> It looks like replying to soemone (my normal behaviour) is causing
> this issue.

Except that the reply to my previous message did not get the issue.

(FWIW, your most recent reply - which is also a reply to a mail from me
- does have the "DKIM fail" header information.)

> And it looks like, that I am getting the SPAM tag, not you.

That much does seem to be the case, yes.

> Some minutes ago I informed megamailservers.eu of my problem and sent
> them the mail with the headers, i sent here, too.
> Hopefully I will get some response.
> The strange thing is,this issue suddenly apeared from nowhere. I have
> nothing changed here (except of upgrades). I am running debian
> bookworm and my mail client is kmail. But that should not be the
> problem.

I do agree that, as I think I've seen suggested in previous threads, the
most likely culprit here is your mail provider having changed something.
Hopefully the inquiry you've started with them will bear fruit; if it
does not, you may want to look into changing providers. (I can recommend
Fastmail, for whatever that's worth.)

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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