On 2024-07-04 at 07:14, Hans wrote:

> Hi folks,
> this is a testmail, because I got some trouble with the mailingist.
> As reported before, I get all ,mails from
> debian-user@lists.debian.org with tagged with *****SPAM**** added to
> the subject. This is because of some DKIM failure, as reported
> before. As I could fix this by setting a special rule for this
> mailaddresse in spamassassin, I know dicovered another issue.
> When I am sending a mail to the list, it looks like the subject is
> completely replaced with only "*****SPAM*****".

I have not noticed this, but I'll admit that I have not been reading
every thread, so it's possible it might have been in the depths of a
thread which I was not reading.

> I would like to know, when this happens. Either during the transfer
> from me to the debian server, or when it is sent from the debian
> server to me.
> This mail has the subject "This is a testmail!".
> It would be nice, if someone could tell me, if this mail is tagged
> with "****SPAM****" somewhere

It does not appear to be, unless these occurrences of that string in the
*body* of the message count.

> and if the subject is removed or not.

It was not. I have not, that I'm aware of, seen that happen.

Also, looking at the message headers, I see what appear to be multiple
indications that DKIM validation passed.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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