Mr. Wooledge, Long before I realized I could put /home/mike on a separate partition I started putting my stuff on a separate partition and just called it /mc. A couple of tomes I had different OS versions on the same hard drive so it made sense to keep the portions of my stuff that weren't OS specific in a place I could reach from both OS installs. Since my tower died and I replaced it with a Raspberry PI, home is on the uSD. Having /mc on a flash drive means I have it available whether I'm running debian, devuan or raspbian and if home were on that flash since those OSs are only similar things could get even more confusing than they are with my setup. A problem I've not run into but considered is how to deal with thngs if that flash drive dies. I suspect logging into a system where you have no home for your primary user might get interesting.
Mr. Nikulin, I shouldn't be surprised if xterm-256color is just enough different from xterm and lxterminal that that is why you don't see a problem with the '"...": ...' syntax. If you have xterm-256color you likely have xterm too. Have you tried it? Thanks for showing me different ways of looking at my challenges. Happy New Year fellas Mike -- Happiness is not so much in having but in sharing.