root@RPI4b3:~> tty; echo $SHELL; echo "' " | hd
00000000  27 20 0a                                          |' .|

mike@RPI4b3:~> tty; echo $SHELL; echo "' " | hd
00000000  27 20 0a                                          |' .|

mike@RPI4b3:~> tty; echo $SHELL; echo " " | hd
00000000  20 0a                                             | .|
The above in a lxterminal window.

mike@RPI4b3:~> tty; echo $SHELL; echo " " | hd
00000000  20 0a                                             | .|
The above in an term window.

As this demonstrates, I get single quotes in bash in a VT but not in X.

I see the same whether beforre or after executing 'setxkbmap -layout us'.

Suggestions for further exploration?

Merry Christmas,
Under capitalism man exploits man; under socialism the reverse is true'
    - Polish Proverb.

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