In response to Greg Wooledge's message of Wed, 27 Dec.
As it turns out every line in /mc/bin/xterm_bindings that
was not a comment was problematic.From man readline or info readline
I saw this: bind '"\C-x\C-r": re-read-init-file' and that is the syntax
I used in xterm_bindings, as '"\e[1;5H": backward-kill-line'.
Looking as you suggested for the problematic line, I deleted each
line until none were left, only then did the "'" problem go away.
When I compared .inputrc to xterm_bindings I then saw the problem.
You wondered what /mc/implied, my name is McClain so /mc is where my
stuff goes to separate it from system stuff making it easier to move
my stuff from distribution to distribution. I started with DosLinux
back around 1997-8 and have used redhat, slakware, solaris, freebsd
and settled on Debian early this century. Since some of these use a
spinoff of xterm [ -n $DISPLAY ] is a little more generic than
[ $TERM == xterm ], RaspberryPI has chosen lxterminal as their default
which would would fail that test but still runs bash.
In spite of having used linux for years I'm still a 'luser'
compared to you and often fumble as this case demonstrates.
I do appreciate your input, bothe here and on the bash list.
Thanks for the help and I wish you a happy new year.
Happiness is not so much in having but in sharing.