On Thu, Nov 2, 2023 at 3:18 AM Loris Bennett <loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de> wrote: > > <to...@tuxteam.de> writes: > > > I concur with Nicolas: every time you say "folder", a unicorn dies. > > What's the objection to 'folder'? I don't use it myself, but it seems > fairly reasonable to me. Many desktop environments use an old hanging > folder icon in their file browsers. > > In German there are also two words: 'Ordner' (folder/binder) and > 'Verzeichnis' (directory/catalogue). People also use both more or less > interchangeably.
This discussion went into the weeds rather quickly. Next they will tell you what color to paint your shed, <https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/bikeshedding>. Jeff