On 03.11.2023 08:17, Greg Wooledge wrote:
Calling these things "folders" discards all of this history and

But the real problem with calling them "folders" is that it doesn't
match the Unix user interface.
Personally, I don't see the problem, because I was talking to people not Unix user interfaces. I can agree that word "directory" is more correct scientifically and word "folder" sound simplified, but so does word "hammer" sound more simple than scientifically correct "hand tool for nail punching". In the end both names mean the same thing and people will always interpret them correctly, which is the most important part.
And if I had to talk to Unix user interface I'd speak in system calls and
expected neither "directories" nor "folders" as answers, but data structures and return codes instead.

How is this still going?

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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