On Thu, Nov 02, 2023 at 02:42:41PM +0500, Alexander V. Makartsev wrote:

[encodings, file systems]

> I've tried to mount filesystems (all NTFS) with different locale parameters,
> still ended up with either garbled filenames or charset conversion and 'path
> too long' complains from rsync.

I see.

> Since I've copied files manually with Thunar, it didn't complained about
> anything and all copied files were consistent, even those rsync complained
> about.
> It could be also a limitation or bug of overlayfs since it doesn't have
> locale/iocharset/codepage parameters for mount.

Part of the difficulty stems from a fundamental mismatch: NTFS tightly
controls its file name encoding (it is, IIRC, some kind of UTF-16, but
I'm not sure anymore). Linux doesn't care -- file names are sequences
of bytes, to be interpreted by the application du jour.

Both approaches have disadvantages. Mixing both has even more ;-)

> Anyway, I don't have access to source and two destination disks anymore to
> investigate this further.
> Data recovery was successful and case closed.

Yay for that :-)


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